Dimensions of Lacrosse Fields
Men's Field Dimensions
Men's and Women's Field Dimension
Goal & Wing Area, Goal, Restriction, End and Side Line, Restriction Area
A lacrosse field is 110 yards long and can be from 53 1/3 to 60 yards wide. The goals are 80 yards apart with a playing area of 15 yards behind each goal. The length of the field is divided in half by a center line. An 18 ft. diameter circle is drawn around each goal and is known as the "crease." A rectangle, 35 yards by 40 yards surrounds each goal area and is known as the "goal area." An "X" is marked in the center of the field. There is a special substitution area on the sideline, next to the timers table. Access field diagrams below for a clearer picture.
The goal is 2 vertical posts 6 feet apart, joined by a top crossbar which is 6 feet from the ground (a 6'x6' goal). A line is drawn on the ground between the posts in order to indicate the plane of the goal. This line becomes known as the goal line. Attached to the goal is cord netting, which is fastened to the ground 7 feet behind the center of the goal.
The boundaries are determined by the natural restrictions of the field. An area of 120 yards by 70 yards is desirable.
Click on following links for an image: NCAA Men's Lacrosse Field Dimension , Men's Lacrosse Rules , Lacrosse Youth and High School Field Layout , Women's Lacrosse Field Dimensions (2010-2011) (page 5), and Girl's Lacrosse Field Dimensions (2010-2011) (page 5).
Boys' Youth Lacrosse Rules and field layout requirements as specified by the USLacrosse.
- How many cans of paint are needed to line a field?
- Click here to learn How to Select a Field Marker . The article lists a series of questions and notes concerning the capabilities and features you should consider when making a purchasing decision.
- Click here for the advantages of using acrylic latex field marking paint for striping your sports fields.
- Click here to understand the cost savings advantage of using acrylic latex paint over aerosol paint.
Women's Field Dimensions
Please refer to the US Lacrosse Women's Rules
US Lacrosse instructions on How to Line the Field
In 2006 US Lacrosse Women's Division Board of Governors voted there are now hard boundaries, there is still flexibility in the size of the playing area. The maximum playing area remains at 140 x 70 yards and the minimum playing area remains at 110 x 60 yards. The goals shall be placed no more than 100 yards and no less than 90 yards apart. There must be a minimum of 10 yards and a maximum of 20 yards of space behind each goal line to the end line.
Additional markings on the field include a restraining line located 30 yards from each goal line, which creates an area where only a maximum of seven offensive players and eight defensive players (including the goalkeeper) are allowed; a 12-meter fan, which officials use to position players after fouls; and an arc in front of each goal, considered the critical scoring area, where defenders must be at least within a stick's-length of their attacker.
Click here to learn about the 3-in-1 field marking Model E-100 . This versatile field striper will save time and produce professionally looking lines. Read customer testimonials about the Model E-100.
Girl's Field Dimensions
Please refer to the US Lacrosse Girl's Rules
US Lacrosse instructions on How to Line the Field
- Field Diagram:
- The field should be marked according to US Lacrosse Women’s Rules, including a restraining line. (See Rule 1). Team benches should be placed opposite spectators where possible.
- There are no measured boundaries. Official(s) decide on the boundaries. When playing indoors, play the rebound where possible.
- Level A - desirable field length is 100 yards between goal lines, 10 yds. behind each goal, and 70 yards wide. Field should be marked according to US Lacrosse Women's Rules including a restraining line. (See Rule 3, page 9.)
- Level B - desirable field length is 90 yds. between goal lines, 10 yds. behind each goal, and 50 yds. wide. Field should be marked according to US Lacrosse Women's Rules including a restraining line. (See Rule 3, page 9.)
- Level C - desirable field length is 50 yds. between goal lines, 10 yds. behind each goal, and 25 yds. wide. Field markings should include two goal circles (radius 2m) with a goal line in each, two 8m arcs around each goal circle and a center line.
Marking whiskers paired with raptor stakes or penny nails can be used to mark the intersections on your field.
Use these whiskers with integrated stakes to mark the intersections on your field. |
Use this tool to lay out the lines on your field. Your cordless drill will wind the string back up in minutes! |
Use this set of pre-measured lines to mark your field in less time! |
Lacross Field Layout Tool
Download Now
Download our fast and accurate Lacrosse Field Layout Tool to help strip your fields.
This simple MS Excel spreadsheet takes the guess work out of creating a uniform men's or women's lacrosse field no matter the size requirements.
Automated Desktop Tool for Field Striping Dimensions
MS Excel Spreadsheet
Fast and Simple Tool for Generating Lacrosse Field Dimensions
The Tru Mark Soccer Field Layout Tool is designed for lacrosse organizations and field striping personnel needing a simple yet accurate tool to help in laying out and striping their sports fields. No matter what your requirements you can generate symmetric dimensions for any age group or space restrictions.
The desktop tool uses the MS Excel spreadsheet application with functions that generate staking locations based on user supplied dimensions and the center line of the field through the center point, the goal lines, and end lines.
The spreadsheet layout tool allows the user to plug in a value (in feet) into a cell below each listed lacrosse field dimension. The orientation of the layout tool is based on staking out the full length of field down the center line of the field intersecting the goal boxes to the end line. The actual field staking procedure requires the use of two measuring tapes. One tape is staked or held at the Center Line Point at the middle of the field and pulled to the associated intersection points. The other tape is staked or held at the Center Point on the End Line (behind the goal line). The layout tool calculates the intersections for the two tape measurements listed in feet and inches or just feet. The Lacrosse Layout Tool reflects the stake intersections for 1/4 of the lacrosse field (upper left quadrant when looking at a field with goals left to right).
Tru Mark has tested the field layout tool on a BlackBerry Curve 8900 series smartphone with good results. Now if you need to make changes out on the field of play you can input the updated dimensions and the smartphone spreadsheet application will automatically update the measurements for the staking positions. Read more what about the application used and the process to install the field layout tool template .
Here are two sites listed for the Office Plus download (as of 03/22/14)
that supposedly are free so Apple iPhone and iPad users can use the
Tru Mark Athletic Field Marker Soccer, Lacrosse, Rugby, and Ultimate Field Layout Tools.
We have not tested any of these downloads since I currently don’t have access to an Apple device.
We would appreciate any feedback as I need to update the link as I don’t see the app on the site currently listed.

Lacrosse Coaching 101 , lacrosse coaching info, drills for lacrosse and more.
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