During small engine setup and preventive maintenance procedures do you verify the revolutions per minute (RPM) setting to ensure optimum performance? Have you considered using a small tool to verify the engine RPMs and hourly usage? We found an inexpensive tool to help setup the "governor" on a Briggs & Stratton 17.5 HP Overhead Valve (OHV) 4-cycle single piston drive unit for our RS-500F Out-in-Front Athletic Field Marking unit.
We are using the Tiny-Tach, standard model with reset feature, TT226R-2C, by Design Technology, Inc. This easy to implement unit can be connected to an engine using existing housing bolts/screws, a standard grounding wire for a common connection point, and a RPM sensing wire that is wrapped around the spark plug wire. We use this Tiny-Tach tool to verify that we are generating sufficient RPMs for battery charging in support of our 12-volt diaphragm pump operations. This is a valuable tool for Briggs & Stratton distributors and small engine repair specialists as it is offered in their B&S distributor catalog. Here are a couple features that make this a sure bet for small engine operations:
- Simple hour meter with tachomter that is just 1.5" tall by 3" wide
- RPM to 9,990 (we were looking for 3,600 RPMs on the B&S engine)
- Reset for the hour meter so we could transfer to other units as necessary
- Updates every 2.5 seconds
- Standard wire length is 6 feet for flexibility in securing the unit
- Estimated battery life is 5+ years
- One year warranty
We ordered directly from the website for $36.95 plus shipping and handling.
This should be one of those important yet inexpensive small engine tools for your overall tool kit inventory.