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STMA Regional Conference and Exhibition

Sports, Turf _Tips, Services
STMA Regional Conference and Exhibition to be Held at Iowa State in June 24-25; Second Regional Conference Coming to the Northeast

STMA, in partnership with eight chapters from the Midwest, will be bringing national level education and a trade show to Ames, Iowa, June 24-25, 2009. Topics will include weather fundamentals for Sports Turf Managers, fertilizers, communicating with user groups, project management and operations management, and environmental stewardship. Attendees will be afforded an intimate look at the Iowa State University athletic facilities, as well as an in-depth view of some of Dr. Dave Minner’s sports turf specific research plots. STMA encourages attendance by Sports Turf Managers and crew alike, and will be providing education for all levels of experience.

Registration costs for the two-day Midwest Regional event will be $75 for an STMA Member (National or Chapter Only) and $95 for a non-member and will include meals. STMA has also negotiated significantly reduced hotel rates. Exhibition space will be $195 per 200 square feet for an STMA Member and $295 for a non-member and will include an 8’ table for a tabletop display and two full conference registrations. Additional space and a product demonstration area will be available for a fee.

Additionally, there will be a second STMA Regional Conference on a date and a location to be determined in the Northeastern U.S. Back by popular demand, STMA and six chapters are partnering to bring the second consecutive Regional Conference to the Northeast, after last year’s extremely successful event in Philadelphia, Penn. at Lincoln Financial Field and Citizen’s Bank Park.

According to Dr. Mike Goatley, STMA Conference Education Chairman, You will not find a better sports turf specific educational experience outside of the STMA Conference and Exposition held every January,” than these two Regional Conferences.

Put June 24-25 on your schedule and start talking to your employer about making sure that you are able to attend this incredible educational opportunity if it is in your area of the country. Also, keep checking back at and your inbox for updates on the second Regional Conference in the Northeast. If you have any questions, please contact STMA at 1-800-323-3875 or
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