Tchoukball, a Swedish originated sport is now being introduced into junior and senior high school physical education programs. This non-contact sport encourages teamwork. An report on The Columbus Dispatch article, "Fast, Friendly Fun" by Jeffrey Sheban states, "Tchoukball (“CHOOK-ball”) is equal parts physical fitness and social engineering, with an emphasis on sportsmanship and problem-solving." The author shares that "Because of the ban on physical contact and overt intimidation, tchoukball is an ideal coed sport."
There is a US Tchoukball Association that has been modeled after the Fédération Internationale de Tchoukball international organization where you can learn more about this sport that is sure to gain acceptance in the US.
A video provides a better understanding of the fast pace nature of the Tchoukball game. It is interesting to watch the techniques used by players to throw the ball off the rebound/spring loaded net to prevent the opponent from catching the rebound. Leaning how to play Tchoukball can be done very quickly.
A detailed description of the rules of the Tchoukball game is available form the FITB organization website (PDF).
For a quick method to help layout out a Tchoukball playing area we would recommend using the Ultimate Frisbee Field Layout Tool to achieve squared corners no matter the space available.
This sport lends itself to an extracurricular school program as well as YMCA and other youth sponsor activities to increase physical fitness and teamwork. There are similarities to Ultimate while not allowing physical contact or player "challenges".
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